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 Its been twenty years and two million dollars of my savings to build a next century living template    Weused a sustainable, beautiful, and playful watershed setting and launched a hundred videos to reveal the knowledge we discovered during the effort.  We then placed that knowledge into the cyberversity curriculum. I have had the benefit of living in the various constructions and versions it took to create the hamlet like fractal we now have shaped under a botanical oasis. I believe it is the best model to approach the lifeforce living we all deserve and desire on planet earth as we rejoin our culture with nature.


I request your support to now make life here a way station for bright young minds to come absorb and pursue their design dreams with a certainty that the model we have created is uniquely equipped to not just master the production of food and medicines but provide a most civilized combination of play and beauty. These combined ingredients indeed produce the peaceful small communities we all crave. This model will plug into the design of natural neighborhoods everywhere including cities


Your donations will specifically empower our worldwide production team efforts to now produce Disney level films about life in a cozy shire in a labyrinth of beautiful viewplanes and playful options. The complex we have created is now the perfect back lot for the film studio we shall soon construct to bring it all home to the planet.  


 Thank you for your gift.   Please make your donations to "Footpints or the future" our 501-c3 non-profit.


looking forward together....

Jim Channon

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